Yamaoka, KentaroKoide, RenAmemiya, TomohiroKitazaki, MichiteruYem, VibolIkei, YasushiKakehi, Yasuaki and Hiyama, Atsushi2019-09-112019-09-112019978-3-03868-083-31727-530Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/egve.20191279https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egve20191279This paper describes the characteristics of presentation of a lower limb motion display designed to create a walking motion sensation for a sitting user. It has the function of lifting and translation independently applied to both legs to generate a walking sensation by moving the feet alternately as in the real walk. According to the results of the experiments, our system enables to render a walking sensation by drawing a trajectory with an amplitude of about 10% of the real walking. Although the backward amplitude was larger than the forward amplitude in real walking, our system created walking sensation to the sitting user better when the forward amplitude was larger than the backward amplitude having opposite characteristics to the real walking.Humancentered computing → Human computer interaction(HCI) → Interaction paradigms → Virtual realityHumancentered computing → Human computer interaction(HCI) → Interaction devices → Haptic devicesRendering of Walking Sensation for a Sitting User by Lower Limb Motion Display10.2312/egve.2019127945-51