Owen, G. ScottJosé Carlos TeixeiraWerner HansmannMichael B. McGrath2023-03-092023-03-092023978-3-03868-207-3https://doi.org/10.2312/pt.19991581https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/pt19991581Several technologies are curremly being developed that will have a huge impact on the future of education. Advances in computational power and graphics capability will give the future home PC the capabilities of very high-end workstations of the present. Advances in connectivity will allow everybody to be connected at all times with a very high bandwidth. Advances in computer graphics software technology, combined with advances in other fields, such as simulation and artificial life, will allow us to create realistic worlds for students to investigate. These worlds will be Multi-User Shared Environments (MUSE), i.e., students will be able to interact with instructors, other students, and intelligent agents in these worlds. ln this paper, I will briefly discuss the background issues, vision for the future with some specific examples, and our current efforts in this area.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseWeb Based Multi-User Interactive Graphics Worlds for Education10.2312/pt.19991581137-1393 pages