Baier, Pablo A. S.Carvalho, Paulo C. P.Xavier PueyoManuel Próspero dos SantosLuiz Velho2023-01-242023-01-242022978-3-03868-194-6 present a software-based method for alignment of projectors, both for side-by-side (mosaic) and stereo projections. The projectors are assumed to be positioned in such a way that their axes are not perpendicular to the screen plane and their projection areas do not adjust exactly to each other. We consider the problem of modifying each projected image in such a way that the projected areas become perfectly adjusted rectangles, without any physical repositioning. We model the problem of finding the largest possible projection rectangles as a linear program and show how to appropriately pre-warp each image so that they project exactly anta these optimal areas.Attribution 4.0 International Licensealignment, projective transformation, warping, linear programmingalignmentprojective transformationwarpinglinear programmingOptimal Software-based Projector Alignment10.2312/pt.20021422299-3046 pages