Mancinelli, ClaudioMelzi, SimoneBanterle, FrancescoCaggianese, GiuseppeCapece, NicolaErra, UgoLupinetti, KatiaManfredi, Gilda2023-11-122023-11-122023978-3-03868-235-62617-4855 Computer Graphics and Computer Vision, shape co-segmentation and shape-matching are fundamental tasks with diverse applications, from statistical shape analysis to human-robot interaction. These problems respectively target establishing segmentto- segment and point-to-point correspondences between shapes, which are crucial task for numerous practical scenarios. Notably, co-segmentation can aid in point-wise correspondence estimation in shape-matching pipelines like the functional maps framework. Our paper introduces an innovative shape segmentation pipeline which provides coherent segmentation for shapes within the same class. Through comprehensive evaluation on a diverse test set comprising shapes from various datasets and classes, we demonstrate the coherence of our segmentation approach. Moreover, our method significantly improves accuracy in shape matching scenarios, as evidenced by comparisons with the original functional maps approach. Importantly, these enhancements come with minimal computational overhead. Our work not only introduces a novel coherent segmentation method and a valuable tool for improving correspondence accuracy within functional maps, but also contributes to the theoretical foundations of this impactful field, inspiring further research.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Shape analysis; Theory of computation -> Computational geometry; Mathematics of computing -> Functional analysisComputing methodologiesShape analysisTheory of computationComputational geometryMathematics of computingFunctional analysisSpectral-based Segmentation for Functional Shape-matching10.2312/stag.2023129447-5812 pages