Griffith, E. J.Koutek, M.Post, Frits H.Alexander Belyaev and Michael Garland2014-01-292014-01-292007978-3-905673-46-31727-8384 present two methods for lossy compression of normal vectors through quantization using base polyhedra. The first revisits subdivision-based quantization. The second uses fixed-precision barycentric coordinates. For both, we provide fast (de)compression algorithms and a rigorous upper bound on compression error. We discuss the effects of base polyhedra on the error bound and suggest polyhedra derived from spherical coverings. Finally, we present compression and decompression results, and we compare our methods to others from the literature.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.0 [Computer Graphics]: General I.3.6 [Computer Graphics]: Methodology and Techniques E.4 [Data]: Coding and Information TheoryFast Normal Vector Compression with Bounded Error