Georgiou, RopertosHermon, SorinFranco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool2013-10-312013-10-312011978-3-905673-86-9 paper presents an attempt at reconstructing the architectural history of an ancient building taking into consideration the London Charter's principles. The case-study is the Hellenistic - Roman theatre of Paphos, Cyprus and the paper describes the main steps in its virtual reconstruction and how the charter's principles have been implemented.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computational Geometry and Object Modeling-Hierarchy and geometric transformations I.3.7Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism Virtual reality J.5 [Computer Applications]: Arts and Humanities-ArchitectureA London Charter's Visualization: The Ancient Hellenistic-Roman Theatre in Paphos