Paier, WolfgangHinzer, PaulHilsmann, AnnaEisert, PeterGuthe, MichaelGrosch, Thorsten2023-09-252023-09-252023978-3-03868-232-5 present a new approach for video-driven animation of high-quality neural 3D head models, addressing the challenge of person-independent animation from video input. Typically, high-quality generative models are learned for specific individuals from multi-view video footage, resulting in person-specific latent representations that drive the generation process. In order to achieve person-independent animation from video input, we introduce an LSTM-based animation network capable of translating person-independent expression features into personalized animation parameters of person-specific 3D head models. Our approach combines the advantages of personalized head models (high quality and realism) with the convenience of video-driven animation employing multi-person facial performance capture.We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on synthesized animations with high quality based on different source videos as well as an ablation study.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Machine learning; Computer graphics; Animation; RenderingComputing methodologiesMachine learningComputer graphicsAnimationRenderingVideo-Driven Animation of Neural Head Avatars10.2312/vmv.20231237149-1568 pages