Kaspar, AlexandreNeubert, BorisLischinski, DaniPauly, MarkKopf, JohannesOlga Sorkine-Hornung and Michael Wimmer2015-04-162015-04-162015https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.12565The goal of example-based texture synthesis methods is to generate arbitrarily large textures from limited exemplars in order to fit the exact dimensions and resolution required for a specific modeling task. The challenge is to faithfully capture all of the visual characteristics of the exemplar texture, without introducing obvious repetitions or unnatural looking visual elements. While existing non-parametric synthesis methods have made remarkable progress towards this goal, most such methods have been demonstrated only on relatively low-resolution exemplars. Real-world high resolution textures often contain texture details at multiple scales, which these methods have difficulty reproducing faithfully. In this work, we present a new general-purpose and fully automatic selftuning non-parametric texture synthesis method that extends Texture Optimization by introducing several key improvements that result in superior synthesis ability. Our method is able to self-tune its various parameters and weights and focuses on addressing three challenging aspects of texture synthesis: (i) irregular large scale structures are faithfully reproduced through the use of automatically generated and weighted guidance channels; (ii) repetition and smoothing of texture patches is avoided by new spatial uniformity constraints; (iii) a smart initialization strategy is used in order to improve the synthesis of regular and near-regular textures, without affecting textures that do not exhibit regularities. We demonstrate the versatility and robustness of our completely automatic approach on a variety of challenging high-resolution texture exemplars.I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]Picture/Image GenerationLine and curve generationSelf Tuning Texture Optimization10.1111/cgf.12565349-359