Lopez-Moreno, JorgeCirio, GabrielMiraut, DavidOtaduy, Miguel AngelAdolfo Munoz and Pere-Pau Vazquez2014-12-162014-12-162014978-3-905674-67-5https://doi.org/10.2312/ceig.20141115Most popular methods in cloth rendering rely on volumetric data in order to model complex optical phenomena such as sub-surface scattering. Previous work represents yarns as a sequence of identical but rotated crosssections. While these approaches are able to produce very realistic illumination models, the required volumetric representation is difficult to compute and render, forfeiting any interactive feedback. In this paper, we introduce a method based on the GPU for simultaneous visualization and voxelization, suitable for both interactive and offline rendering. Our method can interactively voxelize millions of polygons into a 3D texture, generating a volume with sub-voxel accuracy which is suitable even for high-density weaving such as linen.I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]Picture/Image GenerationLine and curve generationGPU Visualization and Voxelization of Yarn-Level Cloth