Ahmed, Abdalla G. M.Haines, EricGarces, Elena2024-06-252024-06-252024978-3-03868-262-21727-3463https://doi.org/10.2312/sr.20241147https://diglib.eg.org/handle/10.2312/sr20241147We present a novel algorithm to evaluate 2D Sobol samples, bringing the time complexity for m-bit resolution to O(log(m)) instead of O(m), thus gaining tangible performance boost. We take advantage of the geometric structure of the underlying Pascal matrix to factor it into diagonally-running matrices that are efficient to implement using bit-wise operations. We extend the method to inversion in global Sobol sampling. The algorithms form a flexible framework, able to generate several wellknown sample sequences as special cases. We compare the speed performance and memory footprint of our algorithms to state of the art implementations.Attribution 4.0 International License!-!An Implementation Algorithm of 2D Sobol Sequence Fast, Elegant, and Compact10.2312/sr.202411479 pages