Leigh, JasonYu, OliverSchonfeld, DanAnsari, RashidHe, EricNayak, AtulGe, JinghuaKrishnaprasad, NaveenPark, KyoungCho, Yong-jooHu, LiujiaFang, RayVerlo, AlanWinkler, LindaDeFanti, Thomas A.B. Froehlich and J. Deisinger and H.-J. Bullinger2014-01-272014-01-27200132118367131727-530Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/EGVE/EGVE01/199-208Tele-Immersive applications possess an unusually broad range of networking requirements. As high-speed and Quality of Service-enabled networks emerge, it will becoming more difficult for developers of Tele-Immersion applications, and networked applications in general, to take advantage of these enhanced services. This paper proposes an adaptive networking framework to ultimately allow applications to optimize their network utilization in pace with advances in networking services. In working toward this goal, this paper will present a number of networking techniques for improving performance in tele-immersive applications and examines whether the Differentiated Services mechanism for network Quality of Service is suitable for Tele-Immersion.Adaptive Networking for Tele-Immersion