Geijtenbeek, ThomasPronost, NicolasEgges, ArjanOvermars, Mark H.N. John and B. Wyvill2014-02-062014-02-0620111017-4656 simulation offers the possibility of truly responsive and realistic animation. Despite wide adoption of physics simulation for the animation of passive phenomena, such as rigid objects, fluids, cloths and rag-doll characters, commercial applications still resort to kinematics-based approaches for the animation of actively controlled characters. However, in recent years, research on interactive character animation using simulated physics has resulted in tremendous improvements in controllability, robustness, visual quality and usability. In this review, we present a structured evaluation of relevant aspects, approaches and techniques regarding interactive character animation using simulated physics, based on over two decades of research. We conclude by pointing out some open research areas and possible future directions.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism-Animation I.6.8 [Simulation and Modeling]: Types of Simulation-AnimationInteractive Character Animation using Simulated Physics