Corcho, Juan Camilo ParejaAcosta, Oscar Mauricio BetancurRuiz, Oscar E.Cadavid, CarlosCasas, Dan and Jarabo, Adrián2019-06-252019-06-252019978-3-03868-093-2 the context of Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing, the problem of feature recognition plays a key role in the integration of systems. Until now, compromises have been reached by only using FACE-based geometric information of prismatic CAD models to prune the search domain. This manuscripts presents a feature recognition method which more aggressively prunes the search space with reconfigurable geometric tests. This reconfigurable approach allows to enforce arbitrary confluent tests which are topologic and geometric, with enlarged domain. The test sequence is itself a graph (i.e. not a linear or total-order sequence). Unlike the existing methods which are FACE-based, the present one permits combinations of topologies whose dimensions are 2, 1 or 0. This system has been implemented in an industrial environment. The industrial incarnation allows industry-based customization and is faster when compared to topology-based feature recognition. Future work is required in improving robustness of search conditions and improving the graphic input interface.Applied computingComputeraided designComputeraided manufacturingUser-reconfigurable CAD Feature Recognition in 1- and 2-topologies with Reduction of Search Space via Geometry Filters10.2312/ceig.2019120569-72