Müller, N. H.Liebold, B.Pietschmann, D.Ohler, P.Rosenthal, P.P. Rosenthal and R. S. Laramee and M. Kirby and G. L. Kindlmann2014-01-262014-01-262013978-3-905674-56-9https://doi.org/10.2312/PE.EuroRVVV.EuroRVVV13.009-010The visualization of hierarchical data is a wide field and plenty of different approaches have been proposed for various applications and purposes. A comprehensive survey on hierarchy visualizations was recently presented by Schulz et al. [SHS11]. Although every approach has its own claimed advantages, for practitioners it is often unclear what these mean in the specific context and which method to use.Gaze into Hierarchy: A Practice-oriented Eye Tracking Study