Biasotti, SilviaCerri, AndreaPittaluga, SimoneSobrero, DavideSpagnuolo, MichelaGiovanni Pintore and Filippo Stanco2016-10-052016-10-052016978-3-03868-026-0- this paper we propose a novel methodology for tracking the maxima of rainfall precipitation fields, whose changes in time may give interesting insights on the evolution of storm. Our approach is based on a topological analysis of rainfall data allowing for the extraction of the most prominent, and hence meaningful, rainfall field maxima. Then, an ad-hoc bottleneck matching is used to track the evolution of maxima along multiple time instances. The potential of our method is exhibited through a set of experiments carried out on a collection of observed punctual rainfall data and radar measurements provided by Genova municipality and Regione Liguria.I.3.6 [Computer Graphics]Methodology and TechniquesTracking the Evolution of Rainfall Precipitation Fields Using Persistent Maxima10.2312/stag.2016136129-37