Williams, BenjaminHeadleand, Christopher J.Xu, Kai and Turner, Martin2021-09-072021-09-072021978-3-03868-158-8https://doi.org/10.2312/cgvc.20211317https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/cgvc20211317Motion simulation is a developing field which continues to grow with the recent incline in commercial virtual reality. Whilst the majority of motion simulation research focuses on flight simulation and training, its utility in recreational settings is often overlooked. Despite this lack of research, the use of motion simulators for recreational purposes spans decades, and is still today one of the most popular applications of motion simulator devices. Furthermore, with the recent development of low-cost motion simulation platforms, consumers have begun to use these devices in the home. Research regarding motion simulation and its effects in recreational experiences is needed now more than ever, and in this position paper we outline several reasons for its importance.Software and its engineeringVirtual worlds softwareComputing methodologiesModeling and simulationGeneral and referenceGeneral literatureRecreational Motion Simulation: A New Frontier for Virtual Worlds Research10.2312/cgvc.2021131759-64