Mathew, C. D. TharinduBenes, BedrichAliaga, DanielDominik L. MichelsSoeren Pirk2022-08-102022-08-1020221467-8659 paper proposes and evaluates a sketching language to author crowd motion. It focuses on the path, speed, thickness, and density parameters of crowd motion. A sketch-based vocabulary is proposed for each parameter and evaluated in a user study against complex crowd scenes. A sketch recognition pipeline converts the sketches into a crowd simulation. The user study results show that 1) participants at various skill levels and can draw accurate crowd motion through sketching, 2) certain sketch styles lead to a more accurate representation of crowd parameters, and 3) sketching allows to produce complex crowd motions in a few seconds. The results show that some styles although accurate actually are less preferred over less accurate ones.CCS Concepts: Computing methodologies --> Procedural animation; Human-centered computing --> User studies; Gestural inputComputing methodologiesProcedural animationHuman centered computingUser studiesGestural inputSketching Vocabulary for Crowd Motion10.1111/cgf.14629119-13012 pages