Wu, YaochengVo, HuyGong, JieZhu, ZhigangLarsen, Matthew and Sadlo, Filip2021-06-122021-06-122021978-3-03868-138-01727-348Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/pgv.20211044https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/pgv20211044In this work, we present Unity Point-Cloud Interactive Core, a novel interactive point cloud rendering pipeline for the Unity Development Platform. The goal of the proposed pipeline is to expedite the development process for point cloud applications by encapsulating the rendering process as a standalone component, while maintaining flexibility through an implementable interface. The proposed pipeline allows for rendering arbitrarily large point clouds with improved performance and visual quality. First, a novel dynamic batching scheme is proposed to address the adaptive point sizing problem for level-of-detail (LOD) point cloud structures. Then, an approximate rendering algorithm is proposed to reduce overdraw by minimizing the overall number of fragment operations through an intermediate occlusion culling pass. For the purpose of analysis, the visual quality of renderings is quantified and measured by comparing against a high-quality baseline. In the experiments, the proposed pipeline maintains above 90 FPS for a 20 million point budget while achieving greater than 90% visual quality during interaction when rendering a point-cloud with more than 20 billion points.Large data visualizationpoint cloud visualizationSpatial data structurehierarchical data structureUnityPIC: Unity Point-Cloud Interactive Core10.2312/pgv.2021104451-61