Nesme, MatthieuPayan, YohanFaure, FrançoisCesar Mendoza and Isabel Navazo2014-02-012014-02-0120063-905673-61-4 present a new method for physically animating deformable shapes using finite element models (FEM). Contrary to commonly used methods based on tetrahedra, our finite elements are the bounding voxels of a given shape at arbitrary resolution. This alleviates the complexities and limitations of tetrahedral volume meshing and results in regular, well-conditionned meshes. We show how to build the voxels and how to set the masses and stiffnesses in order to model the physical properties as accurately as possible at any given resolution. Additionally, we extend a fast and robust tetrahedron-FEM approach to the case of hexahedral elements. This permits simulation of arbitrarily complex shapes at interactive rates in a manner that takes into account the distribution of material within the elements.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Physically based modeling I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: AnimationAnimating Shapes at Arbitrary Resolution with Non-Uniform Stiffness