Fukuoka, MiyuAndo, ShoheiKoizumi, NaoyaTheophilus TeoRyota Kondo2022-11-292022-11-292022978-3-03868-192-21727-530Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/egve.20221303https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egve20221303We propose an integrated operation system that combines puppet motion capture and human body movements to easily control various movements of a mid-air CG character. The proposed method addresses the problems in controlling CG characters via the body movements of a human operator and puppet. This method can also be used to control spatial movements and multiple parts of a character simultaneously. In addition, our method enables an operator to easily move the character in the depth direction, which is a key characteristic of a mid-air image.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing -> Displays and imagersHuman centered computingDisplays and imagersPrototype to Control a Mid-air CG Character Using Motion Capture Data of a Plush Toy10.2312/egve.2022130333-342 pages