OSAWA, NoritakaREN, XiangshiAndreas Kunz and Joachim Deisinger2014-01-272014-01-272003978-3-905674-06-41727-530Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/EGVE/IPT_EGVE2003/313-314manipulation by hand is not suitable for making fine adjustments to virtual objects in an immersive environment because it is difficult to hold an unsupported hand in midair and then to release an object at a fixed point. Therefore we propose a virtual 3D gearbox widget. This gearbox widget enables the user to adjust a value precisely. A combination technique of this widget and hand manipulation can move virtual objects and place them in a target position quickly and precisely. For a comparison, we tested the usability of four techniques. Experiments showed that using the proposed gearbox in combination with direct manipulation was the best of the four techniques in terms of both performance data and subjective preference.Gearbox Widget for Fine Adjustments by Hand Motion