Simmons, H.Devi, R.Ens, BarrettBillinghurst, MarkTony Huang and Arindam Dey2017-11-212017-11-212017978-3-03868-052-9 paper presents a comparative evaluation of two hand gesture recognition sensors and their ability to detect small, sub millimeter movement. We explore the capabilities of these devices by testing if users can reliably use the sensors to select a simple user interface element in 1D space using three distinct gestures a small movement of the thumb and forefinger representing a slider, the slightly larger movement of moving a finger up and down and a large gesture of moving the whole hand up and down. Results of our preliminary study reveal that the palm provides the fastest and most reliable input. While not conclusive, data from our initial study indicates that the Leap sensor provides lower error, difficulty and fatigue than the Soli sensor with our test gesture set.Humancentered computingGestural inputComparative Evaluation of Sensor Devices for Micro-Gestures10.2312/egve.2017137523-24