Perez, PabloGonzalez-Sosa, EsterKachach, RedouaneRuiz, Jaime JesusVillegas, AlvaroJain, Eakta and Kosinka, JirĂ­2018-04-142018-04-1420181017-4656 have developed A Drink in Mars application as a proof of concept of Distributed Reality, a particularisation of Mixed Reality which combines a reality transmitted from a remote place (e.g. live immersive video stream from Mars) with user interaction with the local reality (e.g. drink their favourite beverage). The application shows acceptable immersion and local interactivity. It runs on Samsung GearVR and needs no special green room for chroma keying, thus being suitable to test different use cases.A Drink in Mars: an Approach to Distributed Reality10.2312/egp.2018101515-16