Fantoni, SimoneCastellani, UmbertoFusiello, AndreaCarlos Andujar and Enrico Puppo2013-11-082013-11-0820121017-4656 this paper we tackle the problem of automatically aligning an unordered set of range views. We propose a full pipeline that goes from the scans to the complete 3D model. The emphasis is on the automation no manual intervention is require and on the fact that no knowledge on the acquisition sequence is assumed. The contribution is twofold: in the pre-alignment phase a voting scheme is proposed that discovers the overlapping relationship among views; in the final refinement step we extend the Levenberg Marquardt-ICP to work with multiple views, in order to solve for the absolute pose of all images simultaneously.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computational Geometryand Object Modeling-Curve, surface, solid, and object representationsAutomatic Multi-view Surface Matching