Ruiz, M.Boada, I.Viola, I.Bruckner, S.Feixas, M.Sbert, M.Hans-Christian Hege and David Laidlaw and Renato Pajarola and Oliver Staadt2014-01-292014-01-292008978-3-905674-12-51727-8376, from which ambient occlusion is a particular case, is a technology that produces natural-looking lighting effects in a faster way than global illumination. Its application in volume visualization is of special interest since it permits us to generate a high quality rendering at a low cost. In this paper, we propose an obscurancebased framework that allows us to obtain realistic and illustrative volume visualizations in an interactive manner. Obscurances can include color bleeding effects without additional cost. Moreover, we obtain a saliency map from the gradient of obscurances and we show its application to enhance volume visualization and to select the most salient views.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and RealismObscurance-based Volume Rendering Framework