Hagen, P. J. W. tenKujik, A. A.M.Trienekens, C. G.W. Strasser2014-02-062014-02-0619863-540-18222-51727-3471https://doi.org/10.2312/EGGH/EGGH86/003-016At present, two popular development areas in computer graphics are improvement ofinteraction behaviour and more realistic graphics.The architecture for a high quality interactive workstation proposed in this work isdesigned such that both demanding and in a sense competing needs can be served.Calculations for generating realistic full 3-D scenes with lighting, transparency,reflection, and refraction effects, are done on the workstation itself. Intermediateresults are stored to locally serve high level interaction mechanisms.Workstation architecturecomputer graphicsinteractionrasterVLSIDisplay Architecture for VLSI -based Graphics Workstations