Fechteler, PhilippHilsmann, AnnaEisert, PeterMichael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim2013-11-082013-11-082012978-3-905673-95-1https://doi.org/10.2312/PE/VMV/VMV12/215-216In this paper, we present an efficient optimization method to adapt an articulated 3D template model to a full or partial 3D mesh. The well-known ICP algorithm is enhanced to fit a generic template to a target mesh. Each iteration jointly refines the parameters for global rigid alignment, uniform scale as well as the rotation parameters of all joint angles. The articulated 3D template model is based on the publicly available SCAPE data set, enhanced with automatically learned rotation centers of the joints and Linear Blend Skinning weights for each vertex. In two example applications we demonstrate the effectiveness of this computationally efficient approach: pose recovery from full meshes and pose tracking from partial depth maps.I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]Three Dimensional Graphics and RealismAnimationI.4.8 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]Scene AnalysisMotionKinematic ICP for Articulated Template Fitting