Ludwig, IngmarTyson, DanielCampen, MarcelMemari, PooranSolomon, Justin2023-06-302023-06-3020231467-8659 describe HalfedgeCNN, a collection of modules to build neural networks that operate on triangle meshes. Taking inspiration from the (edge-based) MeshCNN, convolution, pooling, and unpooling layers are consistently defined on the basis of halfedges of the mesh, pairs of oppositely oriented virtual instances of each edge. This provides benefits over alternative definitions on the basis of vertices, edges, or faces. Additional interface layers enable support for feature data associated with such mesh entities in input and output as well. Due to being defined natively on mesh entities and their neighborhoods, lossy resampling or interpolation techniques (to enable the application of operators adopted from image domains) do not need to be employed. The operators have various degrees of freedom that can be exploited to adapt to application-specific needs.CCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Shape analysis; Mesh models; Neural networksComputing methodologiesShape analysisMesh modelsNeural networksHalfedgeCNN for Native and Flexible Deep Learning on Triangle Meshes10.1111/cgf.1489810 pages