Grosjean, JérômeCoquillart, SabineB. Froehlich and J. Deisinger and H.-J. Bullinger2014-01-272014-01-27200132118367131727-530X immersive virtual environments (VE) such as the Responsive WorkbenchTM provide users with a very attractive way of interacting with 3D computer-generated worlds. The feeling of immersion is one of the many advantages of such configurations. Being able to interact naturally with the virtual world is a very important part of this feeling. Programs developed for the virtual environments need powerful, intuitive and rapid application control interfaces. Previous work on this topic have focused on the development ofmenu systems for the VEs: converted 2D menus, hand-oriented menus and 3D widgets. To our knowledge, no 3D equivalent of the quick keyboard hotkey mechanism has ever been proposed for VEs. In this paper, we propose a 3D paradigm: the Command and Control Cube (CCC or C3), inspired by marking menus. The C3 aims to be a rapid and intuitive mechanism for issuing a set of commands to an application.Command and Control Cube : a Shortcut Paradigm for Virtual Environments