Maietti, FedericaMedici, MarcoPiaia, EmanueleTobias Schreck and Tim Weyrich and Robert Sablatnig and Benjamin Stular2017-09-272017-09-272017978-3-03868-037-62312-6124 the end of the second year of activity and after having completed the first steps in the development of its main goals, the project "INCEPTION - Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D Semantic Modelling" is now facing different challenging actions starting from already developed advancement in 3D data capturing. Semantic modelling for Cultural Heritage buildings in H-BIM environment and the development of the INCEPTION platform for deployment and valorisation of enriched 3D models will allow accomplishing the main objectives of accessing, understanding and strengthening European cultural heritage. In this direction, the approach and the methodology for semantic organization and data management toward H-BIM modelling will be presented, as well as a preliminary nomenclature for semantic enrichment of heritage 3D models. According to the overall INCEPTION workflow, the H-BIM modelling procedure starts with documenting user needs, including experts and non-experts. The identification of the Cultural Heritage buildings semantic ontology and data structure for information catalogue will allow the integration of semantic attributes with hierarchically and mutually aggregated 3D digital geometric models for management of heritage information.Computing methodologiesGraphics systems and interfacesApplied computingArchitecture (buildings)Software and its engineeringSoftware libraries and repositoriesAn Inclusive Approach to Digital Heritage: Preliminary Achievements Within the INCEPTION Project10.2312/gch.20171306145-150