Hersch, R.D.D.S. Greenaway and E.A. Warman2015-09-292015-09-2919821017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/eg.19821014This paper analyses the process of creating a printed document, which includes text processing, formatting and printing. Corresponding file formats, soft-copy generation algorithms as well as requirements of high quality graphics displays and printing systems are described. A special architecture for a printer interface system is presented which enables the high-speed generation of a document page on a printer frame-buffer, To limit mass-storage requirements, this architecture supports the generation of characters from an analytical description of their contour. Such a printer interface system has a moderate price, due to the decreasing cost of microprocessor and memory components.GENERATING AND PRINTING OF HIGH QUALITY DOCUMENTS IN A DISTRIBUTED OFFICE AUTOMATION NETWORK ENVIRONMENT10.2312/eg.19821014