Manhaes de Castro, Pedro MachadoTournois, JaneAlliez, PierreDevillers, Olivier2015-02-232015-02-2320091467-8659 a Delaunay triangulation when its vertices move is a bottleneck in several domains of application. Rebuilding the whole triangulation from scratch is surprisingly a very viable option compared to relocating the vertices. This can be explained by several recent advances in efficient construction of Delaunay triangulations. However, when all points move with a small magnitude, or when only a fraction of the vertices move, rebuilding is no longer the best option. This paper considers the problem of efficiently updating a Delaunay triangulation when its vertices are moving under small perturbations. The main contribution is a set of filters based upon the concept of vertex tolerances. Experiments show that filtering relocations is faster than rebuilding the whole triangulation from scratch under certain conditions.Filtering Relocations on a Delaunay Triangulation10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01523.x1465-1474