Malikova, EvgeniyaAdzhiev, ValeryFryazinov, OlegPasko, AlexanderFusiello, Andrea and Bimber, Oliver2019-05-052019-05-0520191017-4656 work deals with a visual-auditory representation and an analysis of static and dynamic continuous scalar fields.We propose a general approach and give examples of dynamic and static objects representations related to molecular data simulations. We describe the practical application and demonstrate how the approach may help to track geometrical features.Mathematics of computingContinuous functionsHumancentered computingScientific visualizationComputing methodologiesVolumetric modelsInformation systemsMultimedia content creationHardwareSoundbased input / outputVisual-auditory Representation and Analysis of Molecular Scalar Fields10.2312/egp.2019105125-26