Kim, Tae-hoonLee, JeheeShin, Sung yong2015-02-162015-02-1620001467-8659 watermarking is one of commonly used solutions for copyright protection. A watermark should be imperceptible and robust to various attacks. In this paper, we address watermarking for motion data. Our watermarking scheme is based on two well-known ideas, so called multiresolution representation and spread spectrum. We embed a watermark into a motion signal by perturbing large detail coefficients of its multiresolution representation, and extract the watermark by analyzing perturbation of coefficients from a suspected signal. For more effective watermark extraction, we align suspected motion data to the original using dynamic time warping. Our scheme has merits of spread spectrum such as the resilience to common signal processing as well as the robustness to time warping.Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis10.1111/1467-8659.00411189-198