Sandoval, MarioMorris, TimTurner, MartinRitsos, Panagiotis D. and Xu, Kai2020-09-102020-09-102020978-3-03868-122-9 is a process in which two or more agents work together to achieve shared goals. However, many existing platforms cannot generate a collaborative environment to engage multiple users with multiple controllers in a seamless manner. To address this need, this poster and work in progress article will describe LISU (Library for Interactive Settings and User-modes) an input management computing framework that enables collaboration across multiple input controllers as its default. Within the system team members cohabit any real-time simulation environments simultaneously and are then able to jointly control visualisation software across multiple controllers while being continually monitored and evaluated at a low level, allowing research questions to be answered.Computing methodologiesVirtual realityGraphics input devicesHuman centered computingCollaborative and social computing theoryconcepts and paradigmsInteraction Framework within Collaborative Virtual Environments for Multiple Users each interacting with Multiple Degrees-Of-Freedom Controllers10.2312/cgvc.2020115579-81