Harada, TakahiroKoshizuka, SeiichiKawaguchi, YoichiroPaolo Cignoni and Jiri Sochor2015-07-142015-07-142007https://doi.org/10.2312/egs.20071029This paper presents a method that can construct a surface with a thin region or sharp edges from particles. The surface is constructed in two stages. An implicit surface is generated by assigning a density distribution to each particle in the first step and then the surface constructed from the density distribution is changed to a surface with a thin region or sharp edges. Furthermore, the method can generate various kinds of surfaces because a surface is controlled by several parameters. Therefore, the present technique increases the range of expression of particle-based simulations. In this paper, some calculation results are presented and finally an application from the results of particle-based fluid simulation is discussed.Construction of Non-Blobby Surface from Particles10.2312/egs.2007102941-44