Scalas, AndreasVassallo, ValentinaMortara, MichelaSpagnuolo, MichelaHermon, SorinSablatnig, Robert and Wimmer, Michael2018-11-112018-11-112018978-3-03868-057-42312-6124 typical approach for archaeological analysis is mainly qualitative and, as such, subjective. Even when some measures are reported in the documentation of artefacts, they are often approximate or ambiguous. Conversely, the quantitative approach is based on objective metrics to produce replicable results and, coupled with digital tools, can assist the qualitative analysis in archaological research with no risk of damage. In this paper, we present a geometric-quantitative approach for the analysis of archaeological finds and the preliminary results of an ongoing joint research project of two doctoral students within the frame of the EU GRAVITATE project.Computing methodologiesShape analysisMesh geometry modelsShape representationsShape Analysis Techniques for the Ayia Irini Case Study10.2312/gch.20181373255-258