Lange, VanessaKurth, PhilippKeinert, BenjaminBoss, MartinStamminger, MarcBauer, FrankSablatnig, Robert and Wimmer, Michael2018-11-112018-11-112018978-3-03868-057-42312-6124 archaeologists it is often desireable to present statues in their original coloration. With projection mapping real-world surfaces are augmented by digital content to create compelling alterations of the scene's visual appearance without actually altering or even damaging the object. While there are frequent advances in projection quality, content creation is still a chal- lenging and often unintuitive task, especially for non-experts. In our presented system we combine the advantages of digital content creation such as rapid prototyping with the convenience of an analog workflow. Users paint on smaller versions of the projection mapping target, employing real-world brushes and pencils, while the results are presented live on its large counter- part. We further demonstrate the integration of our system into a state-of-art game engine. By leveraging a powerful rendering and material workflow we make creating compelling materials and lighting situations an intuitive experience.Humancentered computingMixed / augmented realityComputing methodologiesMixed / augmented realityProxy Painting10.2312/gch.2018134597-104