Dörner, R.Elcacho, C.Luckas, V.2015-11-112015-11-1119981017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/egs.19981004As VRML offers behavior definition on different levels (animation behavior, interaction behavior, hypermedia behavior, application behavior) an authoring tool for VRML content creation has to comprise a dedicated behavior editor. An editor for this purpose has been conceived based upon object-oriented concepts. The concept stresses reusability and support for non-expert users. Reusable elements with object-specific behavior are used Clipart-like to author the scene easily. The editor itself offers a library of generally applicable behaviors, too. This enables the author to use a wide range of pre-defined behavior. The editor keeps track of the authors’ actions and out of this information a VRML file is created automatically. A first implementation of this editor focuses on special elements and behaviors needed in industrial applications.Behavior Authoring for VRML Applications in Industry