Yu, YuncongBecker, TimBehrisch, MichaelBernard, JürgenAngelini, Marco2022-06-022022-06-022022978-3-03868-183-02664-4487https://doi.org/10.2312/eurova.20221081https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/eurova20221081We present SAXRegEx, a method for pattern search in multivariate time series in the presence of various distortions, such as duration variation, warping, and time delay between signals. For example, in the automotive industry, calibration engineers spontaneously search for event-induced patterns in fresh measurements under time pressure. Current methods do not sufficiently address duration (horizontal along the time axis) scaling and inter-track time delay. One reason is that it can be overwhelmingly complex to consider scaling and warping jointly and analyze temporal dynamics and attribute interrelation simultaneously. SAXRegEx meets this challenge with a novel symbolic representation modeling adapted to handle time series with multiple tracks. We employ methods from text retrieval, i.e., regular expression matching, to perform a pattern retrieval and develop a novel query expansion algorithm to deal flexibly with pattern distortions. Experiments show the effectiveness of our approach, especially in the presence of such distortions, and its efficiency surpassing the state-of-the-art methods. While we design the method primarily for automotive data, it is well transferable to other domains.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Mathematics of computing --> Time series analysis; Information systems --> Query representationMathematics of computingTime series analysisInformation systemsQuery representationMultivariate Time Series Retrieval with Symbolic Aggregate Approximation, Regular Expression, and Query Expansion10.2312/eurova.2022108161-655 pages