Höll, NilsLatif, ShahidBeck, FabianHoellt, ThomasAigner, WolfgangWang, Bei2023-06-102023-06-102023978-3-03868-219-6https://doi.org/10.2312/evs.20231037https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/evs20231037Although smartphones have become ubiquitous, most of the visualization applications are still designed for large-screen devices. In a business intelligence context, dashboard solutions for monitoring key performance indicators and performing simple analysis tasks can profit from being available on the phone.We identify usage scenarios and design requirements by interviewing 20 business experts. Our solution adapts existing diagrams and proposes novel visualizations for the small-screen environment, and integrates them into an easy-to-use visual dashboard.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing -> Information visualizationHuman centered computingInformation visualizationA Business Intelligence Dashboard for the Phone: Small-scale Visualizations Embedded into a Mobile Analysis and Monitoring Solution10.2312/evs.2023103719-235 pages