Watson, BenjaminGavane, AjinkyaShrivastava, RachitFusiello, Andrea and Bimber, Oliver2019-05-052019-05-0520191017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/egp.20191048https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egp20191048As graphics (GPU) hardware has improved, fixed refresh rate displays became a significant throttle on graphics performance. GPU and display manufacturers therefore introduced adaptive synchronization (Async), which allows displays to adaptively synchronize to GPUs, avoiding rendering stalls and improving frame rate mean and variation. This research is a first experimental examination of the effects of Async on the experience of dedicated (but not professional) gamers. Participants played a first-person shooter (FPS) game, both with Async on and with Async off. After each game session, we assessed participant emotional state and gaming performance. We learned that at least for this popular FPS, Async can improve gaming performance, and may also benefit experience. We also found that Async has intriguing relationships to game familiarity and years of gameplay that merit additional investigation. Further research should examine these relationships, as well as Async's effects in systems with higher frame rates.Humancentered computingDisplays and imagersEmpirical studies in HCIApplied computingComputer gamesThe Effects of Adaptive Synchronization on Performance and Experience in Gameplay10.2312/egp.2019104819-20