Mchedlidze, TamaraSchnorr, ChristianAgus, MarcoAigner, WolfgangHoellt, Thomas2022-06-022022-06-022022978-3-03868-184-7 this paper we study metaphoric maps of dynamic vertex-weighted graphs. Dynamic operations on such graphs allow a vertex to change the weight, vertices and edges appear and disappear. In the metaphoric map this is viewed as country shrink and growth, appearance and disappearance and change in the country adjacency. We present a force-based algorithm that supports these operations. In the design of the algorithm we prioritize the dynamic stability of the map, the accuracy in the size of countries and low complexity of the polygons representing the countries. We evaluate the algorithm based on the state-of-theart quality metrics for randomly generated inputs of various complexity.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseMetaphoric Maps for Dynamic Vertex-weighted Graphs10.2312/evs.2022109037-415 pages