Naya, FernandoJorge, Joaquim A.Conesa, JuliánContera, ManuelGomis, José MariaXavier PueyoManuel Próspero dos SantosLuiz Velho2023-01-242023-01-242022978-3-03868-194-6 spite of recent advances in Computer Aided Design, Graphical User Interfaces (GUJ) are, by and large, still at the stage of the so-called WIMP (Window, Icon, Menu, Pointing device) approach. ln recent years, our research team has developed different algorithms in Geometric Reconstruction. The aim of this effort is to obtain an automatic (or, at least, easy-to-use) means to generate 3D models from freehand 2D drawings. This approach serves as the basis to a calligraphic interface, based onfreehand sketches and gestures, described as a prototype application capable of modeling special kinds of objects such as normalon and quasi-normalon polyhedra. Using our system users can directly draw the axonometric view of an object to yield a 3D model. White much work remains to be done, the current application already shows gains with respect to more traditional forms ofmodeling in that it embodies a drawing approachfamiliar to most draflspeople, who can start modeling relatively complex shapes without much training. Preliminary studies show that our modeling system compares favorably to commercial grade CAD systems both in number of operations required to creating objects and time to accomplish simple modeling tasks.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCalligraphic Interfaces, Geometric ReconstructionCalligraphic InterfacesGeometric ReconstructionDirect Modelíng: from Sketches to 3D Models10.2312/pt.20021409109-1179 pages