Neubauer, A.Mroz, L.Hauser, H.Wegenkittl, R.D. Ebert and P. Brunet and I. Navazo2014-01-302014-01-3020021-58113-536-X1727-5296 first-hit ray casting is a new technique for fast perspective volume visualization. This technique, based on the well known ray casting algorithm, performs iso-surfacing and supports interactive threshold adjustment. It is accelerated by the reduction of average ray path lengths to only a few steps per pixel. The volume is divided into cubic sub volumes. Each sub volume that is intersected by an iso-surface is projected to the image plane. A local ray casting step within the sub volume is performed for each pixel covered by the projection. Cell-based first-hit ray casting is perfectly suited whenever fast perspective iso-surfacing is required. This paper describes the basic algorithm, presents possible optimizations and evaluates the performance of the algorithm for one specific application, the post-implantation assessment of endovascular stent placement. It will be shown that the algorithm, though executed on a single processor machine without any hardware acceleration, performs well for view points inside as well as outside the stented blood vessel and significantly outperforms an optimized, yet more conventional ray casting technique.Cell-Based First-Hit Ray Casting