Ezuz, DanielleHeeren, BehrendAzencot, OmriRumpf, MartinBen-Chen, MirelaAlliez, Pierre and Pellacini, Fabio2019-05-052019-05-0520191467-8659https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.13624https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.1111/cgf13624We propose a novel approach for shape matching between triangular meshes that, in contrast to existing methods, can match crease features. Our approach is based on a hybrid optimization scheme, that solves simultaneously for an elastic deformation of the source and its projection on the target. The elastic energy we minimize is invariant to rigid body motions, and its non-linear membrane energy component favors locally injective maps. Symmetrizing this model enables feature aligned correspondences even for non-isometric meshes. We demonstrate the advantage of our approach over state of the art methods on isometric and non-isometric datasets, where we improve the geodesic distance from the ground truth, the conformal and area distortions, and the mismatch of the mean curvature functions. Finally, we show that our computed maps are applicable for surface interpolation, consistent cross-field computation, and consistent quadrangular remeshing of a set of shapes.Computing methodologiesMesh modelsElastic Correspondence between Triangle Meshes10.1111/cgf.13624121-134