Padron-Griffe, Juan RaulBielsa, DiegoJarabo, AdrianMuñoz, AdolfoGimeno Sancho, JesúsComino Trinidad, Marc2023-07-022023-07-022023978-3-03868-230-1 the light transport on biological tissues is a longstanding challenge, given its complex multilayered structure. In biology, one of the most remarkable and studied examples of tissues are the scales that cover the skin of reptiles, which present a combination of photonic structures and pigmentation. This is, however, a somewhat ignored problem in computer graphics. In this work, we propose a multilayered appearance model based on the anatomy of the snake skin. Some snakes are known for their striking, highly iridescent scales resulting from light interference. We model snake skin as a two-layered reflectance function: The top layer is a thin layer resulting on a specular iridescent reflection, while the bottom layer is a diffuse highlyabsorbing layer, that results into a dark diffuse appearance that maximizes the iridescent color of the skin. We demonstrate our layered material on a wide range of appearances, and show that our model is able to qualitatively match the appearance of snake skin.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseA Biologically-Inspired Appearance Model for Snake Skin10.2312/ceig.202311431-88 pages