Hácha, FilipVanecek, PetrVáša, LiborSousa Santos, Beatriz and Domik, Gitta2021-04-092021-04-092021978-3-03868-132-81017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/eged.20211001https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/eged20211001We present a general framework for teaching 3D imagination demanding topics using commonly available hardware for virtual reality (VR). Our software allows collaborating on 3D objects, interaction and annotation in a simple and intuitive manner. Students can follow the exposition from an arbitrary, naturally chosen point of view, and they interact with the shared scene by adding annotations and using a pointing metaphore. The software allows using various VR headsets as well as opting for a traditional 3D rendering on a 2D screen. The framework has been tested in a small course on polygon mesh processing, identifying and eliminating the most serious flaws. In its current form, most of the sources of friction have been addressed and the system can be employed in a variety of teaching scenarios.Computing methodologiesVirtual realityMixed / augmented realityMesh modelsA Virtual Reality Platform for Immersive Education in Computer Graphics10.2312/eged.202110019-14