Al-Taie, AhmedHahn, Horst K.Linsen, LarsIvan Viola and Katja Buehler and Timo Ropinski2014-12-162014-12-162014978-3-905674-62-02070-5778 and visualizing uncertainty in medical image segmentation has become an active research area due to the necessity of making medical experts aware of possibly wrong segmentation decisions. Still, to our knowledge all these methods are based on a single choice of the underlying segmentation approach. Segmentation using an ensemble of classifiers (or committee machine) use multiple classifiers to increase the performance when compared to applying a single classifier. In this paper, we propose methods to estimate uncertainties in segmentations produced by ensembles of classifiers. We investigate and compare the different combining strategies of the segmentation results of the ensemble members from an uncertainty point of view. We discuss why some combining strategies tend to perform better than others. Also, we visualize the estimated uncertainties using a color mapping in image space and propose a post-segmentations correction step to reclassify the noisy pixels in the final result based on the statistical uncertainty.Uncertainty-aware Ensemble of Classifiers for Segmenting Brain MRI Data