Friederici, A.Günther, T.Rössl, C.Theisel, H.Oleg Lobachev2017-09-252017-09-252016978-3-03868-025-3 Field Topology describes the asymptotic behavior of a flow in a vector field, i.e., the behavior for an integration time converging towards infinity. For some applications, a segmentation of the flow into areas of similar behavior for a finite integration time is desired. We introduce an approach for a finite-time segmentation of a steady vector field and equip the separatrices with additional information on how the separation evolves at each point with ongoing integration time. We analyze this behavior and its distribution along a separatrix, and provide a visual encoding for the 2D and 3D case. The result is an augmented topological skeleton. We demonstrate the approach on several artificial and simulated vector fields.Finite Time Steady Vector Field Topology10.2312/vmv.201614571-2